Wednesday, May 28, 2014

My Second vertical garden

Hi everyone

So finally I have decided to write down all the stuff I have been doing in my spare times.
After buying the new house, I always wanted to make it better and better with the minimum cost, I hate wasting money too.
So here I am, with my second vertical garden, this time in front yard. You will soon see my another article on my first green wall. Both are two completely different approaches.

In this one, I used the felt cloth, I got a supplier to send it to me from bangalore. Its not easily found here in Pune and thats why my first garden was a different approach using COIR.

Anyways, I am attaching some picture for you here.. A picture is worth thousand words, you know.
So here the deep most layer is of a plywood. My friend had a big piece of wood to give away and I made most of it.
Above that, the black cover is a thick plastic sheet to help keep moisture away from wood.
After that I have stapled two layers of felt material.

The stapler is staple gun machine, and I used 8mm thick staples for my garden.

I used PVC pipes with holes drilled in them at the top of my ensemble for watering.
You should be able to see that in the below picture, on the left most side.

I could have used a drip system but was a little hard to find here in pune.

Once I had the whole structure ensembled , I cut 5 inches wide and 6 inches deep pockets in my outer felt and planted the plants in them.

I used coco-pit for better water retention, as you can see I do not have any water tank and pump here for contact irrigation. Coco pit helps the system to keep the maximum water for plants.

I still have a lot of work pending, I need to fill the gaps and install a better watering system.

So far my plants are gowing well except few which died. But hey, 5 plants out of 200 die is not a bad outcome.

If you are intrested in the types of plants then here is the list
Baby tears ( best of all)
Money plants ( two varieties)

Here is the picture of my first baby ( my first garden), to keep  you guys interested.
Thanks to my husband ( Vishal ) for being a huge support while doing this massive garden